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About 3Q Enterprises...

3Q Enterprises Inc. has a mission.

The mission to seek out and help develop new lines of businesses for mid to small companies that could use the help of a full time outside sales / marketing force.  Headquartered in Irvine, California, 3Q Enterprise is a leading marketing firm for various technology and non-technology companies.

In this world, to succeed in business, you must do a great job. But how do you do a great job if the opportunity is not given to you? Clearly you must become visible to your customer before you can do so,

We are here to resolve that "chicken and egg" dilemma. We will connect you to those big customers you always wanted.

If you have a good product / service to sell, and we see the potential, good part of your job is done. Now bring that game to us and you are in for a fun time.

Be it a ready-for-sale product that's looking for a retail shelf, or a long-shot engineering product that is looking for a good design-ins, give us a try. We have competent and experienced staff to assist your cause.

3Q Enterprises Philosophy

3Q Enterprise is a trading consulting company, with wide areas of market and product coverage and expertise. We act either as a Marketing Representative, or as a Distributor for the products for our clients.

Marketing firms deal with “4P’s” of marketing – Product, Pricing, Place, Promotion. We of course handle those, but our focus is in “3Q’s”. Quickness, Quality and Qualification. What they mean to you, the client is the most customer oriented, prompt, through and satisfying experience.

The business is conducted via broad and deep working knowledge and expertise on the market and products, and the network of highly competent people and companies. And we only deal with businesses that we feel has the high potential to succeed.

If you have products with good potential and in need of outside sales / marketing forces, connections, promotion, logistics, come talk to us.

Here at 3Q, we got characters...

President:           Nakahiro Nagatomi
Nakahiro is a mystery man in 3Q. No one knows where he finds all the wonderful opportunities. But he is infinitely connected. Not having to hunt for the “good” clients, the rest of 3Q can focus on doing good jobs to make our clients happy.
He has an MBA from Azusa Pacific University and is a long time veteran of international trading companies. But that is not important.  It’s his network, his ability to act on a lead, his instinct, yes, his person that is.
Talk to him. You’ll fall in love with him immediately.

Executive Advisor:     Tak Asami
Tak is no mystery man. He just does stuff. A proud graduate of UCLA School of Engineering, he has been in electronics / semi-conductor industry for nearly 30 years.  There was a time if you bought a computer, there must have been a few chips inside the box that he designed or helped develop.
His strength is diversity of knowledge and determination to make things happen.
Many cases, engineering and marketing act like enemies. He fills that gap to make things work.
His official title is Technology Advisor, but in realty it’s more than that.  You’ll know when you work with us.